I’m humbled to pen down my appreciation to KIDA for supporting me throughout my education journey. I joined KIDA OVC program in 2017 after my Senior Four.I was raised by my grandmother who practiced peasant farming and trading in weekly markets which was a source of our livelihood and my school fees. Unfortunately in 2016, my grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer.

The deadly disease never allowed my old grandmother to continue with her business and on my side this was the end of my studies because the source of my school fees had come to an end. Going through that situation was not easy having a lot of imaginations about how my future dreams through education were coming to an end, it brought grief, heartache  and sorrow in my life and therefore I had no hopes of continuing with my education rather than drop out of school.

In 2017 KIDA came into my life and took responsibility of my education. KIDA supported me with school fees and scholastic materials for my Senior Five and Senior Six as I was doing PEM/Computer Studies (Physics, Economics and Mathematics). When my S.6 results returned, I had scored 17/20 points emerging as the best student in Bunyangabu District and appeared among the best 500 students in Uganda.

I even appeared in print media like Daily monitor and New Vision. All this was possible because of KIDA’s numerous financial contributions in support of my education.

“I would not have attained this if it wasn’t for KIDA”.

In 2019, I got a government Scholarship to do Bachelor of Science with Education (Physics- Mathematics) at Kabale University. KIDA continued to support me with money for rent, food and scholastic materials as I pursued my three years course. On June 2, 2023, I graduated with a second class honour-upper division of 4.09.

“I would not have attained this if it wasn’t for KIDA”.

                                                     MY APPRECIATION

From the bottom of my heart I would like to express my appreciation to whoever extends a helping hand to KIDA for the sake of helping individuals who are in need like me.

In a special way, I thank Rev. Canon. Ezra Musobozi Amooti and Mrs. Marjorie Musobozi Adyeri, Rev Kandole  Solomon, Annah Ireeta , Ms Gladys Kasinde, Mrs Ruhweza Beatrice ,  0Faith Isingoma (late) and Ms Birungi Specioza  (late) who are the founders of KIDA for coming up with this great idea with the aim of helping our village which was characterised by poverty, high disease burden and increasing  school dropout .

I’m very grateful for the numerous financial contributions KIDA and her donors were able to extend to for my education. Without financial support, guidance and counselling that has helped me protect myself from diseases such as HIV. I wouldn’t have completed Advanced Level education and my undergraduate degree.

Your generosity and support has been an inspiration to me and I thank you for your believing in me. I thank God who enabled me to complete my studies successfully without embarrassing you.

With continued support to our community, you our lives will always be empowered.

KIDA has supported my education and I have managed to attain my first degree. Who knew that Mugisa Raymon would be counted among graduates if it was not for KIDA?

I also would like to thank Mrs Marjorie Musobozi Adyeri who has coordinated my studies on behalf of KIDA. It’s through her that I have been receiving school fees and scholastic materials and support for personal effects.

I can’t find enough words to express my appreciation to KIDA and donors. Thank you so much for everything. Proverbs 19:17 says whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay them for their deeds. May the LORD GOD bless and repay whoever extends help to us through KIDA for the sake of our lives to be empowered.


Since graduation I haven’t managed to get a job, I instead remained in Kabale where I met a merciful person that gave me a simple music system and I started selling films and music in front of her electronics shop. This CD duplicating job is providing me with food and rent.

However much life with this small business is not all that good but at least I am able to live.

I’m facing challenges of negativity from fellow graduates whom I studied with over my current job which tortures me mentally.

They are always saying that academically bright students in class are always unsuccessful in life, saying all this basing from my current job.

I do believe that life changes and I have hopes that this will one day change so long as I live.


While growing up, I always had a dream of becoming a great scholar in the field of science. When I reached Kabale University I majored in Physics and concentrated in the field of astronomy and space science which is one of the most appealing fields in science today. After my graduation I continued with my research while at home, selling music and films during the day and making more research during night time.

I hope with more research work and discoveries on space it will improve weather forecasts and in turn improve agriculture because weather changes will be monitored with improved research.

With well forecasted agricultural seasons, farmers have higher chances of yielding much form their field at the end of the season and most importantly improving food supply and household income.

This will eradicate poverty where we shall have families capable of providing food to themselves, educating their own children and capable of paying for medical services. It will also help in preparing for natural calamities such as floods.

My dream is furthering this field of research to a master’s degree but despite my dedication and commitment to my studies, financial challenges are still a big hindrance. Am very confident that if I can be supported I can continue to excel academically and make meaning contributions to our country Uganda and the whole world at large and this will not only be my contribution but a contribution of KIDA because I’m whom I’m because of KIDA.

I conclude by thanking you once again for being the greatest supporter of my education and thank you for being a ray of sunshine even on my darkest days.

For God and my country

With thanks from.

Mugisa Raymon          mugisarmnd@gmail.com       0780992807/0703196552

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